Friday, 3 June 2011

The 2nd Epal's official webpage for the project

The 2nd Epal's official webpage for the project. Information about the programme, the activities and the meetings, photos and useful links.

Activities designed by the Greek team

Museums involved in this programme

Publicity for the programme via press and websites

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Final ceremony in Grottaminarda, Italy

This is the invitation and the program of the final ceremony in Grottaminarda, 21 May 2011.

Friday, 20 May 2011

Message from Italy

Hello from our final meeting in Grottaminarda, Italy. We made very satisfying progress in our discussions so far. Tomorrow there will be the final ceremony to celebrate the successful conclusion of our project. Watch this space!!!

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Visit our Website

See the website for Shooters Hill Post 16 Campus below, it contains details of the project and the meeting in London.

The project will be completed in June with an exhibition of our work for students and staff and a final visit for the students.
24 May 2011 18:12